After graduating from university, you’re likely to fall into one of two camps:
Either, you’ll have a plan in place ready to embark upon your chosen career path, or you’ll be unsure as to what you want to do next.
In either situation (although we are of course a little biased here at Flying Fish!), we would recommend completing Superyacht Deckhand training or Superyacht Stewardess training after you’ve graduated!
But what does this mean exactly, and why should you at least consider it as an option once you’ve got your degree? Read on to find out…
Superyacht Deckhand and Stewardess training is essentially what it says on the tin!
It’s the opportunity to gain the practical knowledge and skills you need to work on a Superyacht as either a Deckhand or Stewardess. If you’ve ever watched the show Below Deck, you’d essentially be training to do what the crew on the show do!
In short, Deckhands are responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of the Superyacht exterior and toys, Stewardesses are tasked with taking care of the guests on board.
Our dedicated Superyacht Deckhand training course and Superyacht Stewardess training course website pages helpfully break down the kind of training you can expect.
Why should you do Superyacht Deckhand or Stewardess training after you graduate?
1. It’ll give you time to fully consider your career prospects
While you’ve had your head buried in your studies, there won’t have been much of an opportunity for you to really have a think about what you want to do for your career. You may even have come out of university realising that the career path that you originally thought you wanted isn’t quite right for you after all.
Superyacht Deckhand and Stewardess training is one great way to discover the other career prospects that are open to you; and should you decide you’d like to work on a Superyacht after you’ve finished your training, you’ll have the time and right headspace to think about what you want to do next while you work!
2. You’ll pick up a whole host of transferable skills
You’ll have obviously gained a lot of amazing knowledge and skills at university, but the experience and skills you can pick up from a two-week Superyacht training course are incredibly useful in a real-world work scenario!
For example, in Superyacht Deckhand training, you’ll learn all about engine maintenance, ropework and cleaning, whilst in Superyacht Stewardess training, you’ll gain unparalleled customer service skills and become Food Safety qualified.
Whether or not you decide to become a Superyacht Deckhand or Stewardess after completing your training, you’ll still have a certificate under your belt that shows you have the basic proficiency and potential to take these skills further in another role.

3. Working on a Superyacht is a great way to earn and save money
The amazing rates of pay is just one of the many reasons graduates decide to train for Superyacht jobs. As a Deckhand or Stewardess, you could find yourself banking between €2,000 and €3,500 a month (approximately £1650.23 to £2887.90), which you can put away towards further education and training for your planned career, or whatever other investments you may have in mind.
What’s more, The Seafarer’s Earnings Deduction (SED) allows 100% of on-board earnings to be exempt from UK income tax, which makes working on a Superyacht after graduating even more appealing!
4. It’s a chance to see the world before you settle into a career
Lots of graduates decide to go travelling after they finish university – and training to become a Superyacht Stewardess or Deckhand is a great way to do this without the associated costs.
In fact, the average cost to go travelling on a gap year is £1,844 a month, or over £22,137 a year; which, as we’ve established above, you’ll actually be earning instead of spending as a Superyacht Deckhand or Stewardess!
Just some of the destinations you’ll likely be heading to after you’ve completed your training and got your first job include France, Greece and the Mediterranean.
Here at Flying Fish, we even have a training centre in Australia!
If you undertaking one of our superyacht training courses, we will invite you to Antibes, France for our Superyacht recruitment event!
Once you’ve settled into a full-time career, it can be much harder to find the time and funds to go and see the world, which is why we’d recommend taking this opportunity after graduating.
5. You’ll get to meet some amazing people
When you take on Superyacht Deckhand or Stewardess training, you won’t be alone. In fact, here at Flying Fish, you’ll be learning alongside at number of other trainees, and possibly even staying with them at our crew accommodation in Cowes!
It’s amazing how group training can bring people together, and many of our Superyacht trainees at Flying Fish have become lifetime friends and even gone on to work together on Superyachts.
Not only can you make awesome friends while you train, but should you decide to take on a Superyacht job afterwards, you’ll get to meet plenty of other amazing people, including the Superyacht’s Captain, Bosun and Chief Stewardess, among others!
Think Superyacht training might be the right post-graduation path for you?
If so, be sure to take a look at our own Superyacht Deckhand training course and Superyacht Stewardess training course, and book your place today! Our team are always on hand if you have any questions about our training or would like to chat about career prospects…